
發佈日期: 2021-12-02 10:50
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無綫新聞 TVB News
大家好。Desperado通常指正在流亡的罪犯,但是美國樂隊Eagles 1973年的歌曲Desperado,就並非這個意思。


流浪者,為何你不能理智一點?你把自己隔絕太久了。你真是固執的人,我知道你有自己的原因。不過這些令你快樂的事,總有一天會傷害你。(Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? You've been out riding fences for so long now. Ah, you're a hard one, I know that you've got your reasons. These things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow.)

Sense很有意思,可以解作感覺,第六感就是the sixth sense。如果要說一件事不清不楚、沒有邏輯,就可以這樣說「這件事沒有邏輯(This doesn't make any sense to me.)」。

Why don't you come to your senses這句的意思是指「請你恢復理智」。

Riding fences字面是指騎在欄杆上,即是我們所謂的「騎牆派」。


孩子,別接近貪慕虛榮的女人,她總會令你不好過。你知道真心真意的女人,才是你最好的選擇 (Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy, She'll beat you if she's able, you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.)。

歌曲用撲克牌中階磚女王(queen of diamonds)比喻財富,紅心女王(queen of hearts)比喻愛情,有說如果抽到queen of diamonds,可能會令你血本無歸。

Your best bet就是最好的下注,或者最能夠致勝的方法。比如說這句成功沒有捷徑,努力才是最大勝算 (There is no short cut to success, your best bet is to work hard)。

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