
發佈日期: 2021-12-16 10:55
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大家好。Billy Joel有一首歌叫Uptown Girl,他說自己是住在鬧市的男人downtown man,高攀不起住在高級住宅區的女生uptown girl。

而英國女歌手Petula Clark也有一首歌叫Downtown,歌曲說如果你覺得納悶,可以去鬧市散心。

當你覺得生活寂寞時,總是可以到鬧市走一走;當你有煩惱時,聽到市區的嘈雜聲和急速節奏,我知道應該對你有幫助 (When you're alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go downtown. When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry, seems to help I know, downtown)。

歌中提到這句linger on the sidewalk, where the neon signs are pretty,你可以在街上流連,欣賞漂亮的霓虹燈。

歌詞提到另一句Don't hang around and let your problems surround you,意思是指別在家裡走來走去。Hang around和linger(流連)的意思相近,Hang作為動詞有吊起或掛起的意思,中文裡也有「吊兒郎當」這一句。

他說你可以看電影、聽音樂,或者到永不關門的店舖流連 (Maybe you know some little places to go to where they never close)。

不妨去鬧市走一走,感覺真的很棒。當你在鬧市時,一分鐘也不要再等,鬧市的事物正在等著你 (So go downtown, things will be great. When you're downtown, don't wait a minute more. Dowtown, everything's waiting for you)。

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